Hashtag 52 plays by women

On Monday, a brilliant new international theatre parity advocacy call to action launches on social media: #52playsbywomen. This international campaign has been started by American writer Laura Annawyn Shamas.

Could you see a play by a woman a week for a year and tell everyone about it on Twitter? (Readings count and if there are not enough performed plays available by women writers in a specific region, reading a play by a woman playwright instead that week is fine.) This should last for a year, so that each participant will have experienced #52playsbywomen.
The rules are simple:

I. Pledge to see a play by a woman (including woman-identified) playwright each week for a year. If you’d like (optional), you can announce your pledge on social media, something like:
“I pledge to see a play by a woman playwright each week for one year to support #52playsby women. Follow my choices here.”

II. Post a tweet each week with

1.  the playwright’s name,
2.  the play’s title, and
3.  the hashtag #52playsbywomen.

This is an international campaign, and all are welcome to be part of it. Find the full information here.


About 17Percent

A campaign to get more plays by women playwrights onto UK stages.
This entry was posted in advocacy, Debate, female playwrights, gender equality, plays by female writers, Plays for today by women, plays to see, Women playwrights, women writers and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Hashtag 52 plays by women

  1. Reblogged this on Deborah Klayman's Blog and commented:

  2. #52playsbywomen sounds like an incredible idea!
    Is there maybe a list somewhere of female playwrights with upcoming live shows/readings? Or maybe one could be made to help people complete the pledge?

    The substitute idea of just reading is great — some blogs are helping with that (http://venusinorange.com/free-play-reading-list-52playsbywomen/), but another list would be great! Also, maybe female playwrights have their shows on youtube? That could be another great way to particpate. 🙂

  3. Reblogged this on Golden Ginger Productions and commented:
    The #52playsbywomen sounds very neat! In a nutshell: “Could you see a play by a woman a week for a year and tell everyone about it on Twitter?”
    Going to try to find feasible and affordable ways to make this possible.

    One way recently discovered is to read the scripts (some here: http://venusinorange.com/free-play-reading-list-52playsbywomen/), but nothing can replace a live performance 🙂

    Oooo! Idea in the moment as this blog post is being written. Maybe we’ll do podcasts/radio dramas of the scripts to help people participate! While not quite the same as a staged show, it can help busy actors participate in an easy way and make female playwright scripts accessible to more people! More brainstorming to come.

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